Entry Level 2 Functional Skills Qualification in English
About This Course
About these qualifications
This qualification specification contains details of all the components and assessments required to complete these qualifications.
Qualification summary
Qualification titles Entry Level 1 Functional Skills Qualification in English
Entry Level 2 Functional Skills Qualification in English
Entry Level 3 Functional Skills Qualification in English
Qualification numbers (QNs) 603/5059/3
Aim references 60350593
Total Qualification Time (TQT) 61
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) 55
Minimum age There is no minimum age requirement for registration.
Qualification purpose From the Department for Education’s Functional Skills English Subject Content:
A key aim for Functional Skills English specifications is that they should enable the learner to develop confidence and fluency in, and a positive attitude towards, English. Learners should be able to demonstrate their competence in English by using it in real-world situations as well as demonstrating a sound grasp of basic English knowledge and skills.
The purpose of Functional Skills English Entry Level qualifications are to demonstrate the ability at an appropriate level to read, write, speak, listen and communicate in English, and to apply this knowledge and these skills in familiar situations.
Aims and Objectives From the Department for Education’s Functional Skills English Subject Content:
Functional Skills English qualifications at these levels indicate that learners should be able to speak, listen, communicate, read and write with increasing clarity, accuracy and effectiveness at each level. They should be able to:
Listen, understand, and respond to verbal communicating in a range of familiar contexts.
Acquire an understanding of everyday words and their uses and effects and apply this understanding in different contexts.
Read with accuracy straightforward texts encountered in everyday life and work and develop confidence to read more widely.
Write straightforward texts and documents with clarity and effectiveness, and demonstrate a sound grasp of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
Learners should, with some direction and guidance, be able to apply these functional skills to informal and some formal contexts, in familiar situations.
Grading Pass/Fail
Resits Resits are available
Assessment method These qualifications are assessed via 3 controlled assessments which cover:
Speaking, Listening and Communicating
All assessments take place in a controlled environment. These qualifications are externally set, internally assessed, internally quality assured and externally quality assured.
Each assessment has been designed so that the tasks are realistic and relatable to everyday context.
Additional assessment requirements Assessments can be held over different sittings.
For each component, a range of assessments are available for selection.
Progression Learners who achieve these qualifications could progress to:
NCFE Level 1 Functional Skills Qualification in English
NCFE Level 1 Award in English
NCFE Level 1 Certificate in English
Regulation information These are regulated qualifications. The regulated numbers for these qualifications are 603/5059/3, 603/5056/8 and 603/5052/0.
Funding These qualifications may be eligible for funding. You can find out if any NCFE qualification is eligible for funding from the Education and Skills Funding Agency.
Entry Guidance
These qualifications are designed for learners who want to improve their everyday English abilities in preparation for life and work.
There are no specific recommended prior learning requirements for these qualifications.
Registration is at the discretion of the college in accordance with equality legislation.
Skills Assessment initial and diagnostic assessments will assist in determining what level a learner is working towards. Each learner will then receive an individual skills plan to help progress to that level. The college may deliver a Skills Assessment initial and diagnostic assessment to learners prior to registration.
Learners registered on these qualifications should not undertake another qualification at the same level with the same or a similar title, as duplication of learning may affect funding eligibility.
Achieving these qualifications
Functional Skills English qualifications at Entry Level 13 are comprised of 3 mandatory components per level:
Speaking, Listening and Communicating
Each component is internally assessed, with one controlled assessment per component. The order in which a learner attempts the component assessments is at the discretion of the college.
For a learner to achieve the qualification and be awarded their certificate, they must obtain a Pass grade in the assessment of each component.