NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Web Design
About This Course
Qualification factsheet
Qualification overview
Qualification title NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Web Design
Qualification number (QN) 603/7370/2
Total qualification time (TQT): 285 Guided learning hours (GL) 190
UCAS This qualification has been allocated UCAS points. Please refer to the UCAS website for further details of the points allocation and
the most up-to-date information.
Entry requirements: This qualification is designed for learners who are working or would like to work in a web design team. Entry is at the discretion of the college. However, learners should be aged 16 or above to undertake this qualification.
There are no specific prior skills/knowledge a learner must have for this qualification. However, learners may find it helpful if they have already achieved a level 2 digital qualification.
About this qualification
The Level 3 Certificate in Web Design is designed for learners who are working or would like to work in a web design team or as a freelance web designer and want to increase their knowledge, skills and understanding or seek an opportunity for relevant employment.
The objectives of this qualification are to understand the roles and responsibilities that can be found within a web design team; create a web page using HTML, use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to format text and understand colours and backgrounds, use JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM) in order to access and change elements, attributes and contents and understand the fundamentals of web images and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
Qualification structure
To be awarded the NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Web Design (603/7370/2), learners are required to successfully complete 5 mandatory units.
Mandatory units
M/618/6924 Understanding the web and web design
T/618/6925 Creating a web page using HTML
A/618/6926 Understanding and using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
F/618/6927 Understanding and using JavaScript
J/618/6928 Understanding the fundamentals of web images and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
The assessment consists of 1 component which is an internally assessed portfolio of evidence which is assessed by college staff and externally quality assured by NCFE (internal quality assurance (IQA) must still be completed by the college as per usual)
Internally assessed work should be completed by the learner in accordance with the qualification specification.
Progression opportunities
Learners who achieve this qualification could progress to:
Level 3 Certificate in Graphic Design
Level 3 Certificate in User Experience/User Interface UX/UI
Level 4 Award in Programming
web designer/frontend developer (or similar job role)