NCFE Level 4 Award in Programming (C# Pathway)
About This Course
Qualification factsheet
Qualification overview
Qualification title NCFE Level 4 Award in Programming
Qualification number (QN) 603/7501/2
Total qualification time (TQT) 105 Guided learning hours (GLH) 65
Entry requirements Entry is at the discretion of the college. However, learners should be aged 19 or above to undertake this qualification.
There are no specific prior skills/knowledge a learner must have for this qualification. However, learners may find it helpful if they
have already achieved a level 3 qualification.
Pathways 603/7501/2/PYT (Python pathway) 603/7501/2/C# (C# pathway)
603/7501/2/PHP (PHP pathway) 603/7501/2/JAV (Java pathway)
About this qualification
The NCFE Level 4 Award in Programming (603/7501/2) is designed to give learners the knowledge and skills to enter work in a programming role.
The objectives of this qualification are to enable learners to:
understand and use the fundamentals of programming, including:
ohow code and algorithms work
odata types, variables, statements, key words and syntax
ofunctions, objects, classes and libraries
understand and demonstrate how to debug and test code
understand the significance of emerging technology when working in programming
understand and use programming concepts that are specific to their chosen programming language
plan, create and review a program in their chosen programming language
Qualification structure
To be awarded the NCFE Level 4 Award in Programming (603/7501/2), learners are required to successfully complete 2 mandatory units, consisting of the core unit and a pathway unit of choice:
H/618/7116 – The fundamentals of programming (core unit)
K/618/7117 – Developing a program in Python (Python pathway)
M/618/7118 – Developing an app in C# (C# pathway)
T/618/7119 – Using PHP for web development (PHP pathway)
A/650/0655 – Developing a web application using Java (Java pathway)
Mandatory unit
Optional units
Developing a program in Python (K/618/7117)
Developing an app in C# (M/618/7118)
Using PHP for web development (T/618/7119)
Developing a web application using Java (A/650/0655)
The assessment consists of one component:
an internally assessed portfolio of evidence which is assessed by centre staff and externally quality assured by NCFE (internal quality assurance must still be completed by the center)
Placement requirements
Experience in the workplace is not required for this qualification.
Progression opportunities
Learners who achieve this qualification could progress onto the following qualifications and employment roles:
level 5 in computing
backend developer
web developer
app developer
data scientist
software engineer
software developer
game developer
computer systems analyst
network systems administrator