Terms of service
19 June 2020 2023-08-19 20:30Terms of service

Terms and Conditions
Within this terms and conditions:
• We and Us means Oxbridge International College Ltd (OIC) who will provide the service to you.
• You mean the student receiving the services from OIC.
• Course means an online CPD self-study/ distance-learning course, face-to-face course or blended learning course.
• Study Materials means the materials relating to any one course, together with all revisions and updates made by us, which may be in any format, and which are required by the student to complete the course successfully.
Cancellation of Course
Under the consume protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, your statutory right allows you 14 days, from the day after your enrolment on a course to make a written request for cancellation. If such request is received, a sum of £200 fee will be charged against administration charges. This charge does not apply to e-courses purchased on our website if the course has not been accessed. If an e-course has been accessed, no refund will be provided. We cannot accept any course cancellation under any circumstances after 14 days, hence all the fees are payable as stated on the fee notice. All students are allowed to defer courses for a period of up to one year if the conditions for cancellation or refund have not been met. After this period, all payments or registration will lapse, and no refund will be given.
No right of cancellation and or refund will be allowed if the student has accessed courses on our online learning portal or used any of our learning materials provided for the course. If a student intends to cancel their course, including online e-courses, he/she must not log on to the online learning portal or access the e-course. Where the course is blended, the student must not attend any face-to face session on the course.
Where the conditions for cancellation or refunds are met, students are required to send in written notice/request in writing at least four weeks or 28 days prior to the published commencement date of the course, stating inability to commence the course. After 28 days of commencement of the course, no refund of deposit or instalment payments will be given, and fees must be paid in full to the college. However, students will have opportunity to defer the course for one year on the payments already made.
Payment of Fees
OIC encourage students to pay fee upfront in one payment. Where this is done, a student will receive 5% fee rebate immediately for any fee above £500 and 2% for fees below £500. Students can apply for instalment payment plan in writing to us. This will be agreed at the discretion of the college head and payment conditions will be provided with any such approval. Students much pay their fees in strict adherence to all conditions stated. Failure to meet any condition of instalment payment plan will lead to the plan being scrapped and full fee become payable immediately. Please note that payment plans cannot be affected by gaps or interruptions in study plans. Payment plan will allow a grace period of 48 hours after the agreed payment date. After this time, the next 48 hours late will attract a late payment fee of £50 admin charges. If payment remain outstanding for seven days, this will amount to breach of contract and trigger cancellation of instalment payment plan and request for full payment of all outstanding fees.
If the outstanding fees remain unpaid, interest will be charged on the outstanding amount under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.
Please note that where required, OIC will appoint a Debt Recovery Agency to recover all outstanding debts. The company will apply further costs for the collection of the fees outstanding. You will deal directly and exclusively with the debt recovery agency once we have passed your details to them. If we appoint debt recovery for your outstanding fees, you will not be able to enrol on any of our courses for a period of three years.
Postal and Courier Charges
The cost of postage is included in all charges for qualifications except online CPD courses where learners can download pdf copies of certificates. If printed copy of certificate is required, the cost of printing and postage will be determined in accordance with the address for postage. If a learner collects the certificate from our office, the charge will be £5 to cover cost of producing the physical copy. Please note that OIC will not be responsible for reposting returned certificate if a student provided wrong or inadequate address to us, failed to pick it up from a specified collection centre, or changed address during the time of our posting. Student will have to collect the returned certificate from our office, or we will repost if the student sends self-addressed prepaid envelop.
Interruption of Studies due to extenuating/mitigating circumstances
At OIC, we understand your circumstances can change during your course. If you experience extenuating circumstance which affects either your ability to learn or attend your classes, you must notify us immediately. Please note, we may require proof in some circumstances to grant permission or to give extended time or pause your studies.
If the extenuating circumstance affects your ability to sit an examination, we will work with the relevant awarding body to ensure we provide the best support according to our policies. If it affects only our internal examinations and processes, the head of school will work with relevant departments and student services to support you. Under this condition, you can pause your study for a maximum of one year.
The time allowed will depend on your circumstance and agreement of the academic lead/head of school and relevant departments. To apply for extenuation/ mitigating circumstance, you must complete the ‘extenuating Circumstances form’ and submit to the academic lead or your personal tutor. No approval to pause your study will be granted in retrospective. You must notify us as soon as the mitigating circumstance arise.
Where an agreement has been reached with us to interrupt/pause your studies, you must restart on or before the agreed time. If you do not restart on the last date agreed, you will be deemed to have withdrawn from the course. Please note that you will not be allowed to pause or interrupt your course if your fees payments are not up to date. If you have fee payment plan in place during your course interruption/ pause, you must continue to make payments on the basis of your agreements.
If you fall into financial hardship which makes it difficult to continue your studies, you must notify your personal tutor of academic lead immediately. Where possible, financial arrangements will be made to enable you continue to pay for your course and remain on the course. If you do not pay for your course, you will be withdrawn.
Assessment Submission Deadlines
You must submit all assessments in line with assessment brief provided by either your course tutor or the awarding body. We will email all assessment deadlines as soon as assignment is ready and published to students. No assignment will be given to students without clear deadline date for submission. We aim not to change these deadlines unless where it becomes inevitable in order to ensure excellent student experience or to respond to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control. Please check if you have additional deadlines imposed by awarding bodies.
All submissions must be before or on the deadline. No submission will be accepted after the deadline. If you have extenuating circumstances which will make it impossible for you to submit on or before the deadline, you must follow our policy on extenuating circumstances to notify your tutor. If approved, an extension can be granted for up to two weeks by your tutor. If extension is required for more than two weeks, you must apply to the academic lead through your course tutor. Your tutor must sign off the form before it goes to the academic lead for approval. The academic lead will decide on the length of extension to be granted.
Academic Misconduct
Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct and at OIC, we take it seriously. In all assessments, either online or face-to-face, you must ensure you submit your own work. If you are found guilty of academic misconduct, you will be removed from the course, no fee paid will be refunded and all fees outstanding must be paid.
We reserve the right to use any software/ system to check your submission to ensure it is your own work. Where possible, we will inform you of the software we will use and possibly give you access to the software to check your work before submission. The most popular is Turnitin.
Important Terms to note
We will only communicate academic and learning matters with only the learners registered with us. We will not discuss matters concerning our students with third parties including parents unless were the law require us to provide information to professional, regulatory or law enforcement bodies or for public health and safety.
We are always listening to our learning community at OIC, hence if you have a complaint or concern about any of the services we provide, you are welcome to email us using the address: info@oxbridgeic.co.uk
Privacy Policy
OIC maintains registration for data protection with Information Commissions Office. This data protection and privacy policy applies to all personal data we may hold on you on our systems. We collect your personal data and contact details as prospective student or when you register/enrol in a course with us and hold it securely. Data on your use of our services and dealings with us will also be maintained on our systems in accordance with our data protection policy.
Learner Behaviour
Our students are the pride of our community. We will always work to foster good relationships within our learning community. However, we will not tolerate inappropriate behaviour towards any member of staff for any reason whatsoever. Unacceptable behaviours will include but not limited to use of bad language, act of violence, threatening behaviour, and abuse (physical, online, over the phone or via email). Oxbridge International College reserve the right to remove any student engaging in such behaviours from our courses with immediate effect with possibility of reporting him/her to law enforcement and pressing charges. In such cases, no refund of any fees paid will be granted and all fees outstanding must be paid in full to the college
Governing Law
The laws of England and Wales shall govern these Terms & Conditions which have been construed in accordance with these laws without regard to its conflict of law provisions. If we fail to enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions, it will not represent our waiver of those rights. If a court hold any part of these Terms & Conditions as invalid or unenforceable, the other remaining provisions of remain in effect and as designed.